About This Site
The Project
This is the home for the project to promote educational understanding and awareness. That does not mean an attempt merely to revive applications of “education” that have clearly become outmoded, but to make education, its implementation and practice, fresh and new in forms that are fitting to our times and hard to ignore – an education that really can enable us to address our problems, frustrations and deeper aspirations – so that we can live and collaborate in living educationally rich lives that are worthwhile and fulfilling from our own points of view.
About Graham
Initially trained as a primary school teacher, Graham did stints, both at the University of Canterbury and the University of Illinois before spending thirty years teaching philosophy of education and reflecting on the purpose of education at the University of Waikato. He is now quartered in both rural and urban environments in the Nelson/Tasman districts of New Zealand, where he sometimes flyfishes for trout.